Notes since filming: And thus begins my love/hate relationship with Momofuku and David Chang. My Momofuku reviews get thousands of hits and have netted me tons of subscribers, and so I feel obligated to review them when something new comes out even though the luster has worn off since I filmed this.
I was a little starstruck when filming this video. It was so early on and I was so happy to review something that was made by a “celebrity chef.” Unfortunately, David Chang didn’t really “make” these so much as just slap his branding on it and double the price. And since we now know what a total asshole David Chang can be, I feel bad that I gushed over these as much as I did in my introduction.
Still, I have to credit Momofuku for getting me to try Taiwanese-style noodles for the very first time, because while the sauce on this one was unimpressive, I still absolutely love A-Sha’s noodles.
Full credit to A-Sha for the noodles since I didn’t say it in the video.
Original video description:
Time to take a look at some noodles with an impressive pedigree and an interesting story! Let’s review Momofuku’s Spicy Soy noodles today!
As mentioned in the video, at the time of recording these were sold out everywhere, but they are finally trickling back in stock online and in stores if you would like to purchase them.
Buy directly from Momofuku:
Buy online or in-store at Target:
- Noodles: 10/10
- Spiciness: 4/10
- Overall: 5/10