Noodle Journey Episode 19: Ichiran Tonkotsu Ramen

Notes since filming: I maintain that every tonkotsu fan should try this one once if they are comfortable with the price. This has gotten way easier to find in Asian markets in the US since I filmed this video, so if you can score it for a bargain, it’s a no-brainer.

Original video description:

Time to review the world-famous Ichiran Tonkotsu Ramen! This is the most expensive instant noodle product we’ve seen to date, and the Internet is sharply divided about whether or not it is worth the premium price tag. Could this be the best instant tonkotsu ramen ever made? Let’s find out!

Links to purchase:

Amazon prices will rise and fall all the time like crazy, so keep checking until it hits a price point you’re comfortable with.


  • Noodles: 8/10
  • Spiciness: 3/10 (with the spicy powder added, otherwise 0/10)
  • Overall: 7.5/10 without the spicy powder, 8/10 with it

Noodle Journey: Momofuku Noodles – The Basic Hack

Notes since filming: I had titled this “The Basic Hack” with the intention of filming a more elaborate “hack” down the road that never materialized. Maybe someday if I get struck with inspiration. The truth is I’m very much over Momofuku’s noodles as a result of David Chang’s shenanigans and so I don’t have a big desire to revisit this.

Also, I can say as a professional software developer (my day job) that it is perfectly acceptable to use the term “hack” when elevating your instant noodles. One entry in Merriam-Webster defines a computer hack as “to write computer programs for enjoyment.” Wouldn’t the equivalent action of customizing your noodles for enjoyment fall into the same category? As someone who quite literally does both things, the answer is yes.

Also worth noting, the furikake I featured in this video goes great with yakisoba and Samyang Buldak.

Original video description: The first Noodle Journey hack video! This is a super fast and simple hack idea for Momofuku’s noodles that gives you some protein and a blast of flavor without breaking the bank. Want some more elaborate hack videos? Let me know, and keep those likes and subscribes coming!

Links to purchase Momofuku noodles:

Momofuku’s official YouTube channel with hack videos:

Noodle Journey Episode 18: Momofuku Soy & Scallion Noodles

Original video description: Today we’re checking out the third and (currently) final variety of Momofuku noodles left to review: Soy & Scallion. Is this an awesome package of noodles on its own? We’ll see!

Links to purchase:

Momofuku’s official YouTube channel with hack videos:


  • Noodles: 10/10
  • Spiciness: 0/10
  • Overall: 5/10

Noodle Journey Episode 17: Samyang Buldak 2x Spicy Hot Chicken

Notes since filming: At the time of this writing, I think this is still the second-spiciest thing I’ve ever eaten. I couldn’t get through it, and I can’t say my spice tolerance has improved enough since 2022 to eat an entire pack of this. So because of that, I will almost assuredly not be bothering with Buldak 3x, for those of you who were wondering. The people that can eat this without getting too bothered truly impress me.

Original video description:

As promised in the last review, here we go with quite possibly the spiciest thing I’ve ever eaten in my life. How do these taste? How spicy is too spicy? Let’s find out!

Links to purchase:

Single or 5-Pack:


Big Bowl:

Cokoyam Korean Ramen Jumbo Combo:

Amazon prices will vary by seller, so order at your discretion. Also check your local Asian grocery store!


  • Noodles: 8/10
  • Spiciness: 9/10
  • Overall: 7/10

Noodle Journey Episode 16: Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken

Notes since filming: One of my few regrets on this channel was not reviewing this one in episode 5 instead of the Carbonara flavor. As weird as it might sound, I think trying this base flavor of Buldak first would’ve given me a better context for trying Carbonara, seeing as I was surprised about the smoky curry flavors that are present in a lot of Buldak sauce packets. I liked this one and I acknowledge its important role in noodle history, but I haven’t purchased it since this review because I love some of the other flavors more.

Original video description:

Getting into the super spicy side of things, here’s the original Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken flavor! No spice challenges here, just an honest review of a super spicy product.

To make my editing process much simpler (and hopefully churn out videos faster in the future), I’ve switched to using a lapel microphone to record a live voiceover as of this video rather than my old method of dubbing myself. Any thoughts on the end result?

Links to purchase Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken:

Single or 5-Pack:


Big Bowl:

Cokoyam Korean Ramen Jumbo Combo:


  • Noodles: 8/10
  • Spiciness: 8/10
  • Overall: 8/10

Noodle Journey Episode 15: Prima Taste Singapore Curry LaMian

Notes since filming: My first perfect score! Yeah, I know that long diatribe in the video about being a supertaster was probably boring to 98% of you. For the 2% that did stick around and listen to the whole thing, thank you. I credit this flavor with getting me to love curry 24/7, because I was still a little iffy on it before this review. This one is still a regular favorite in my household.

Fun sidenote – I had a commenter (since deleted) at one point tell me that they acknowledged that supertasters were real but that I sounded like an pretentious asshole by bringing it up. Quite a flex.

Original video description: Today’s review is a popular product from Singapore with some eye-catching packaging and some hefty noodles. This is Prima Taste’s Singapore Curry Lamian. Could this be the perfect bowl of noodles? Watch and find out!

Links to purchase:

Amazon prices will vary by seller, so order at your discretion. Also check your local Asian grocery store!


  • Noodles: 10/10
  • Spiciness: 4.5/10
  • Overall: 10/10

Noodle Journey Episode 14: Nissin Demae Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu

Notes since filming: More than two years after filming, and I still think this is the best bang for the buck as far as instant tonkotsu goes. I have no idea why Nissin Raoh’s artificial pork flavor sets off my tastebuds so badly while this one doesn’t, but I still happily buy this one regularly.

Original video description:

Today’s review focuses on a different Nissin tonkotsu product after the disappointing flavor of Nissin’s Raoh tonkotsu. This variety was the very first instant tonkotsu I ever tried back at the beginning of the pandemic, and I was curious to see how it held up. This is Nissin’s Demae with Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Ramen!

Links to purchase: (individual pack) (5-pack) (individual cup version; contains fish!)

Amazon prices will vary by seller, so order at your discretion. Also check your local Asian grocery store!


  • Noodles: 6.5/10
  • Spiciness: 1/10 (due to garlic)
  • Overall: 7/10

Noodle Journey Episode 12: Unif Artificial Beef and Sauerkraut

Notes since filming: I eventually learned a while after filming this that lots of Chinese brands produce this flavor, but it’s known more commonly as “pickled vegetables” rather than “sauerkraut.” I ended up loving the flavor in this and I still occasionally crave it, but those soft noodles really brought the score down.

Original video description:

This was an interesting and unexpected flavor I found for purchase online! Sauerkraut and instant noodles together… okay? This review is a little longer than usual, but I promise it takes some surprising turns.

Buy from Yami:


  • Noodles: 3.5/10
  • Spiciness: 5/10
  • Overall: 6.5/10

Noodle Journey Episode 11: Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood

Notes since filming: Credit where credit is due: if it wasn’t for this flavor, I’d probably never have bothered with any other Cup Noodles. I assumed this would have the same cheap salty taste as the other ones sold in America, but I was glad to be wrong. I keep this one stocked in my pantry.

Original video description:

Everyone’s had Nissin Cup Noodles before, but have you ever tried Cup Noodle Seafood? We take a look at our very first cup review, and it is absolutely PACKED with real seafood!

Buy from Yami:
Buy from Amazon:


  • Noodles: 5/10
  • Spiciness: 0/10
  • Overall: 7/10